​Today I would love to share with you just a few thoughts on business trends for 2016. The list could have been longer but limiting my views on marketing and business, here is what to expect:

1. Late adopters will sneak into the mobile APP world:

Since mobile traffic surpassed desktop users, a plethora of late adopters will add a string of mobile apps. This will no doubt make the app world more crowded, with a downside of tougher app optimization to compete for eyeballs. The winners will be APP developers and WordPress responsive theme solutions. App ratings, as social proof will become more important than ever to distinguish good products.

2. Email marketing will continue to grow – and become more resurgant:

After taking a backseat for a while, Email marketing will now overtake social media marketing and SEO. This is because many companies are taking control of their marketing and do not want to be at the mercy of 3rd party platforms: You should consider the same! What drives your email marketing campaign?

3. More sharing, more caring:

AirBNB, Uber and Kickstarter is only getting warmed up now! We have not yet seen the tip of the iceberg for the sharing economy. What will ordinary citizens do to help liberate the market place in the face of strong lobbies funded to Hotel and Taxi mafias?

4. Freelancing, Remote working and Home Business will skyrocket in the WEST!

The factors that will accellerate the rate of change in my opinion are these: a) More platforms such as Udemy, PeoplePerHour and Elance are available b) These platforms now have better filter criteria in order to pick winners, c) Belief it or not: I think that safety concerns in Western cities are pushing people to secondary cities – and some to work from home!

5. Digital assets will become more valuable than physical assets and stocks!

Forget about the recent dip in Amazon share prices. Look at it’s performance over the past 14 months. Huge customer lists, email lists, followers and subscribers are assets small businesses are becoming increasingly aware of. You should really do the same if you’re in business. Social capital is something people are now starting to appreciate – and investing huge efforts in that.


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